lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Small actions, Big changes

     Today, speaking about social actions is not a surprise for most people.  Some time ago all of us have taken awareness about what is happening with our world, in all of the aspects that we can imagine.
     Today, speaking about social actions is not a surprise for most people. Some time ago all of us have taken awareness about what is happening with our world, in all of the aspects that we can imagine.
     The question now is, How have I helped to make the world a better place, and I could elaborate a lot about it. In simple words, when we are children, our world is smaller. I remember when I was a child my world consisted of my parents, my house and my school, just that. My first action was really loving my parents. If my parents loved me and if I loved my parents my world was complete, in my individualistic thinking. I did not take conscience how big the world was until I began to belong to a scout movement. There I learned the value of sharing and caring for “my” world.
     In that moment, my world was expanded. I had been blinded until I begin to think about others together with me. Then I discovered that we are all the same because all lived in the same cosmos.
Today, I think that all of us can change. One man says Many people in many small places can do little things that will transform the world” and this is not just words; for me it is reality. 
     Actually, I am one of these small people, in a small place fighting for that I believe.  Yesterday was Hidroaysen, Today is the education: tomorrow I do not know. If I have to fight all my life which I think is bad, then I am going to do it.
What am I doing? I have been a revolutionary. I have been free, free of do that I think is correct, fight for it, using my creativity, using my impulses, thinking in the collective and not on individuality. I am having a free mind. I have questioned society and this is a step: I am finding that all understand that “all art part of a society and we can change it”.
     I would like to report to everyone that with little acts, we can change our reality. My idea says that if many people do small actions, these actions can have big consequences. To change the world we just need actions. And my plan is to realize concrete actions. We are going to realize little actions in our environment, to generate a “collective inertia”. Share experiences, share tools, speak about what we are doing to change the world and invite our friends to do it. If I do not throw papers on the floor, share with my friends and learn to do the same, my friends are going to teach it to their friends and we are going to create a snow ball. In conclusion, my project is just awareness of my sorroundings.  My environment creates it in their environment. Finally in the future, we will have a better world.  That is why I want to be a good teacher. In the future, my environment will be much broader.


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