lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

"Not a big change, but a quite good change" (Chris Keene)

I always knew that my life at the university would be very different than my last life in high school. I think that I came prepared mentally for these changes but it’s one thing to prepare the mind and another thing to live it.
It’s really hard stay far away from my family especially  the amenities of my house. But living alone, I have learned a lot of things.
I learned that the university isn’t my high school, it isn’t my house, Nobody comes to me to say me “You have to study that” or “You have to read this”. Now my life now is more independent than when I was in  high school.
I think that staying at the university is the most interesting experience that I have had in my life.  Now  I know that I’m the one who decides what to do with my own life, everything that I do or I don’t do is as I want it.
I remember with much love my days in high school, I have the best memories of those moments. But it is harder to compare the life now and my life in the high school, because they are really different. If I say that one is better than the other one I would lying. 
In the beginning everything was really difficult, “ the universitary world” is really nice but it’s broader than high school, I can see someone now in the library today and never see her again. But, I think that I can’t make better decisions, I’m really happy with staying here.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Things I would like to do, that I probably could do, but I haven't done yet

I’m not sure about what would I like to be able to do, but here we go!

First of all I would like to speak and understand English well, I know that I can do this, I only need to strive for it.
I felt that when I was a little girl  I could do a lot of things that now I can’t do, for this reason I would like to travel back, play a lot and enjoy my childhood again. Also I would like it if I could go bungee jumping.

I have been to camp in the mountains a lot of times in my life but I would like to be able to swim under a waterfall or go to camp with my more of my close friends and not sleep for  two or three days. We would only enjoy the shining stars.
I would like to act in a play once in my life. Also cook without the proper ingredients and make the food be delicious, If I could read a lot of books, that would be great,  and why not write and publish one too!

Also I would like to be able to hold a spider in my hands (I really hate spiders!) and finally I would like to fly!