jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Hello Caro!:

Are you well ? I hope so!. It has been a long time since I've seen you. I've got a lot of things that I want to tell you. Well, the last time that I saw you we were talking about our new life...
Now, I'm living alone in Talca.. I am dreaming a lot about that.. but at this moment, I can tell you. I miss my home. But the university has some good things too. You learn to meet people with the same interests and others with different interests. But, it is great, I really like my courses, and little by little, I'll get to know the university, the teachers and my classmates. I'm sure, that I will like it better!
Hey, I miss you, a big hug to you baby ! See you soon !
Regards, Nella =)

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