viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

My Easter. In little more than 100 words...

I remember when I was a little girl my granny said to me “On good Friday you must not sing, listen to music or eat meat”

Now, Easter for me is seeing people running from one side to other side and buying fish or seafood.

But, I like this date. It is a good moment for reflection. This weekend I’m going to stay with my family to watch for tenth time “Jesus of Nazaret” on TV, listen to classical music with my dad and listen to my granny talk about mass is beautiful.

It’s a good date to stay with the people that I love. 

I just decided, this weekend I’ll only stay at home. :)

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Hello Caro!:

Are you well ? I hope so!. It has been a long time since I've seen you. I've got a lot of things that I want to tell you. Well, the last time that I saw you we were talking about our new life...
Now, I'm living alone in Talca.. I am dreaming a lot about that.. but at this moment, I can tell you. I miss my home. But the university has some good things too. You learn to meet people with the same interests and others with different interests. But, it is great, I really like my courses, and little by little, I'll get to know the university, the teachers and my classmates. I'm sure, that I will like it better!
Hey, I miss you, a big hug to you baby ! See you soon !
Regards, Nella =)