miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Letter to me in the past

Dear Nelly:
           I will begin this letter giving you a piece of advice. You must never regret of anything that you do. Your decisions define you, and you must realise that you can not change the past.  If in a moment you feel that your life is falling down, you have to think that I am still alive. That minute when you are regretting of your mistakes, think in a way to solve all the things you think you have to change.
          Use your time well.  You’re not going to live forever.  Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly and kiss slowly.  People want to know you so meet people, but don’t allow everyone to enter deep in your heart. Everybody has not that right. Trust just in those who show you that are reliable. Read about whatever you canBooks will teach you a lot of things.
Do not put up with the reality. Run after your dreams.
          Get used to yours scars. It is sadly, but you are destined to stumble in all your steps. Nevertheless, someone told me once that nobody gets through life without a scar.  You are the one who has to decide if you want your scars cause pain or not.  Always there will be people who will wish to see you falling down. Do not allow this thought to bring you down.  Never stop fighting in your life. Do not get away; never give up.
            Get up smiling in the morning; hang out with your friends in the night and always enjoy your life.  Laugh whenever you can and cry when you need it. Laugh at yourself. If you do not love yourself, who is going to do it?  Dance under the rain; enjoy all the people that you know; Do not worry about little things; Be yourself. Dive into a pool with your clothes on.  
            After classes, enjoy your time with your classmates.  You have to study, but never forget that your life is just one and the moments with these people will never come back again. Listen to that song whenever you can.  Sing low; the people, who look at you strangely, are the worst.
            Tell all the people how much you love them. But tell them now, because now is when they can hear you. Think that life is for living it.
             Do not spend your time thinking about absurd troubles.
          And remember: do not take your life too seriously. Spend your time enjoying what has been given to you.
With Love,              