viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

The end of the semester is coming...

...And fast!. It’s incredible, the time passes so quickly.

I hope improve my academic performance, because I’m not doing so good. At first I was so sad and I felt that I was loser, useless and others things, but, I thought so much about this and said to myself  "Ok, Now You must study harder One fall in your life never stopped you”.

I’m really motivated with my career, I really love this!, and the bad marks don’t stop me. 

At the end of the semester I hope not only to pass all the classes, I’ll want to learn so much.
      For me the marks are important but it's more important to understand and to remember what I've learned. For this reason I’m going to study harder and I'll begin to ask for help, I’ll forget my shame and begin to speak more. I know that this won't be easy, but I have confidence that I’ll improve my English and my marks.

It all depends on me,
 not on luck or destiny.
 I’m going to be better 
and I'll continue 
studying so hard.